Need to transfer contacts from your e-mail program into Gmail? Instead of retyping them, use the comma-separated values (CSV) format (which Gmail and just about every other e-mail program supports) to import them en masse as one file. In Outlook 2003 and 2007, select File, Import and Export, choose Export to a file, click Next, select Comma Separated Values (Windows) as your output format, and click Next again. The Export Wizard will then instruct you to choose a location for your CSV file. To export contacts from Outlook Express, choose File, Export, Address Book, choose Text File (Comma Separated Values) as your output format, click the Export button, and save the file in a convenient place. In Windows Mail (Vista's built-in e-mail program), select File, Export, Windows Contacts, choose CSV (Comma Separated Values), click the Export button, and choose a location to store the file in. If you use Mozilla Thunderbird, open the address book, click Tools, Export, and select Comma Separated (*.csv) from the drop-down menu prior to choosing a folder to save the file in. Next, import the .csv file into Gmail: Click the Contacts link on the left side of Gmail's main screen. The Contacts page lists your current Gmail contacts. Click Import at the top right, and then choose the Browse button in the Import Contacts dialog box. Navigate to and select the .csv file you just saved, choose Open, and click the Import Contacts button. Choose Close, and you'll see all of your contacts. If you're looking at your sublist of Frequently Mailed contacts, click the All Contacts link above your addresses to see the entire address book. |